Building a community of people who love this breed
is the entire purpose of the Idaho Pasture Pig Breed Association!
You can join and support the growth of this community by becoming a member!
All it takes is choosing a membership type and paying an annual fee.
The annual fee helps us keep the proverbial lights on.
Your Membership Fees go toward funding the website, Shows/Expos, legal fees, and all of the other costs that go along with keeping a volunteer organization running! Without your financial support the IPPBA wouldn't be able to carry out its mission of supporting and educating breeders!
Memberships run April through March 31st of each year.​
Active Member ($50 annually)
Any person eighteen (18) years of age or older, family or legal entities who own or breed Idaho Pasture Pigs (IPPs) may become an active member of the IPPBA and be entitled to all privileges of full membership.
​Junior Member ($25 annually)
Any person seventeen (17) years of age or younger who is an active owner or breeder of registered IPPs may become a junior member of the IPPBA. As such, they are entitled to all privileges of full membership, except they shall have no vote, nor shall they be eligible to hold elective office.
Patron Member ($40 annually)
Any person who doesn't have any registered pigs or even animals or a farm. They are wanting to learn more about the breed and help promote it as well. Patron members benefit from educational materials and have access to the yearly Expo. They will not be able to vote or hold office.
1. The right to nominate members in good standing to the ballot for board appointment on the Board of Directors of the Idaho Pasture Pig Breed Association that meet the requirements in Section 3.2 of the IPPBA bylaws.
2. The right to 1 vote per membership per ballot section for the appointment of a nominated member on the ballot to the position of Board Member on the Board of Directors of the Idaho Pasture Pig Breed Association.
3. Free entry to all Shows and Expos put on by and under the control of the Idaho Pasture Pig Breed Association.
4. The right to state their case before the Board of Directors in the case of a dispute as laid out in Section 2.5.
5. Access and use of any and all Educational and Promotional material made available for the betterment of the Associations breeders and the breed itself. This benefit does not allow the removal, defacement, and intentional or unintentional obscurement of the IPPBA watermark or logo, which must remain visible on all materials used in such a manner.
6. The right to formally petition the Board of Directors on any and all issues that they feel should be addressed regarding the Breed, the Association, or the Registry during a regularly scheduled or emergency meeting. How and when its addressed remains at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
7. Access to the Member only section of the IPPBA website including, but not limited to its livestock classified section and forum.